Sunday 20 November 2011

film trailer analysis

Film trailers analysis


Mise en scene

  • Dark gloomy colours used, blacks, reds etc.
  • Women screaming in background showing patriarchy (male domination)
  • Deep voice of the murderer gives it a scary suspicious effect.
  • The effective use of the mask keeps you trying to work out who the killer is. This mask is also associated with Halloween, again implying the horror and scare of it.
  • The use of words at the start of the trailer ‘one call started it all’ the writing is written in dark gloomy colours again which is associated with horror.
  • Women are the victims.
  • Use of the traditional horror film ‘I am standing in the closet’.
  • Use of scary black writing on the wall.
  • Typical honest and calm neighbourhood is the one under attack.
  • Typically located in a school.
  • Close up shots of facial expressions often being scared and screaming.


·         Film is rated 18, so mainly young adults ranging from 18-25. Those who like horror and get a ‘thrill’ from the scare.
·         Film isn’t too intellectual so again will appeal to most people as not a lot of thinking needs to be done.


  • Women are the victims in this trailer which fits into mainstream society as women are known to be weaker whereas men are the protectors and likely to be stronger.
  • Upper classes are the victims.


  • Deep voice over and phone calls from the ghost face killer give it a suspicious and scary tone.
  • ‘I’m in the closet’ – typical connotation of horror film.


  • Announced by the Weinstein company
  • Written by ehren Kruger
  • The institution and writer a not well known but this adds to the suspicion as you do not know what to expect.


  • Horror genre
  • Some may argue it has bits of comedy in it
  • Therefore making it a hybrid film.
  • Use of the scream mask used in Halloween illustrates this horror as this mask is used to scare people.
  • The main connotation of the horror film is the suspicious killings that take place.


  • Representation of men as the dominated gender with females being the victims in this film.
  • The killer is male as we can tell from his deep intimidating voice, again showing power and dominance of men.
  • Mainly gender representations.


Mise en scene

  • Dark gloomy colours.
  • Typical every day family is affected.
  • Fat paced cuts between actions to scare you.
  • Horrific characters are used such as the person with the red mask on.
  • Tick tock thing at the start, used as a form of hypnosis
  • Scared facial expressions
  • Tension running through the whole film.
  • Over the shoulder camera shot used to focus on the room in which the woman is entering, suggesting to the viewer that something scary is in there and about to happen.
  • Creaking floor boards, connotation of old, scary noise.
  • Use of shadow is also used in horror as it hides identity, but lets the audience know that something is there.
  • Constant cut to ‘insidious is’ and ‘is insidious’. This writing is in red which is the colour of blood suggesting death.
  • Birds eye view of women looking up the stair case. A shout is heard as she drops the thing she was listening too, she then runs and gloomy music is used to had effect and show that something scary s about to happen.
  • Door handle moving on its own implying that something undiscovered is doing it which makes the viewer get on edge.
  • Flashing lights in the dark.
  • Editing cuts speed up to add to the suspense and the tension and therefore adding to the fear
  • Dark gloomy hall ways used in typical horror films.
  • Cuts between the different victims. Showing the fear on their faces.
  • Strange how an innocent young boy is the bad person in this film. Makes it scarier.


  • Young adults ranging from 18-25, due to the horrific nature
  • Anyone who gets a ‘rush’ from being scared and likes the adrenaline.


  • Males again are seen as protectors as in typical horror films.
  • It is the females who are often screaming.
  • It can be argued that the mother is also the victim in this film as most of the scare is put on her.
  • Typical normal family are involved.
  • Nice big house, middle/upper class.


  • Writing on the screen ‘insidious is’ etc. written in red which is the colour of blood suggesting death.



  • Pure horror genre
  • Typical connotations of the horror genre are used to show this such as the dark gloomy rooms etc.


·         Women again are seen as the weak and vulnerable.
·         And in this film it seems as if it is the mother who has become the sort of victim.
·         Typical middle/upper class family who come under attack believing that they are an ‘innocent’ perfect family.
Trick ‘r treat

Mise en scene

  • Trailer starts off with typical women on her own in forest when she turns and screams.
  • Dark mysterious music is then used. Immediately you can tell it is a horror film
  • Evil carved pumpkins associated with Halloween and scary times.
  • Fast paced cuts to different characters. Most wearing a mask or Halloween costume. Again associated with scary horror films.
  • Lonely house with forest nearby, perfect horror location
  • Set on Halloween, perfect time for horror film. All the scary masks come out so all identity is hidden.
  • Group of friends in forest. All foggy. Close ups used to show scare on there face as they hear whispers.
  • Trailer picks up pace as more action is thrown in. dark fast paced music is added to this to create tension.
  • Lots of cuts are used again showing different horrific scenes in the film.
  • It ends with a worm’s eye view of a man swinging down at you with an axe. May make you jump as it seems like it is aiming at you.
  • Old man is used as a victim because old people are known to be weak and vulnerable.


  • Young adults ranging from 18-25 like most horror films.
  • This is more sophisticated so may appeal to the more intellectual person.
  • Or maybe not as it is set in Halloween which everyone is associated with.
  • The horrific nature and killings is why this film is aimed at young adults of 18 and above.


  • Father teaching son about Halloween, illustrating the father figure


  • Some narrative at the start which differs from typical horror films. It seems to be quite cheery but then suddenly stops and changes as the trailer starts to become more up beat and scary.


  • Filmed in Vancouver, British Colombia
  • Directed my Michael Dougherty
  • Released by Warner bros and legendary pictures
  • Warner bros is a top production company which implies that it will be a good films as it was made by the best


  • Typical horror film
  • Set in the time of Halloween which suggests it is horror as this is a time for scary things to happen.


  • Representation of age a the old man becomes a victim due to his weakness and vulnerability
  • Representation of Halloween as masks, costumes and typical pumpkins are used to imply this.
  • Women again are victim in the forest.

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